Thanks to all who participated in our street discussion today. There was a great response and some great suggestions. Below are all the recorded answers to the question: "What are your suggestions for how this community could be improved?" The answers posted are not all shared by Common Space. However, every response is valued and appreciated. Please read through the responses and add your comments or thoughts about what those on the street had to say.
What are your suggestions for how this community could be improved?
*bolded texts are comments that were repeated by many participants
- More security
- More social services
- Garbage cleanup: have it as part of community service hours
- More garbage cans
- Perception of the community needs to be changed
- Give respect to businesses and forget their past history- let them start fresh
- Community Watch Program
- Have people intentionally look out for the community
- Keep the Employment Help Centre- major loss to have it go
- Railroad tracks need to be improved
- More social services should do the Adopt a Street program to keep the streets clean
- "too many people, too few jobs"
- More jobs: anything that will employ people- cooking, dish washing, roofing
- Bike lanes that are actually used
- More patrol of the streets
- Churches need to be playing more of a role in the community
- Keep businesses in the community
- When you take the businesses out of a community, you take away it's character
- Hire local people for local jobs
- Bring in a grocery store
- In the hospital location, put in a drug and rehab center that will help individuals within the community.
- In the hospital location, have a shelter for the homeless
- Have a place for people to go where they can be themselves and not have to conform
- Prevention centre
- Cheaper rent, better housing
- More food banks
- Keep the hospital
- Have social services and government on the street and interacting with the people
- No more surveys
- Get rid of the sex-trade workers and drugs
- More affordable housing
- The government needs to start taking a lead on reviving this community
- Teach people how to budget
- Get more people involved in helping
- Need more drug counselors
- Crack down on the drug houses: hard for recovering addicts to recover when it is everywhere you go
- More shops need to be started to attract more people
- Support systems for low-income housing
Do you agree with what was said? Share your thoughts and leave a comment.'
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